Restore Data from a Backup

As a system administrator, you can restore an installation from a backup file.

  1. Switch to the Administration view. In the main menu, select Server Administration > Restore Data.

2. On the screen that appears, select the file from which you want to restore data. Then you must specify the following:

  • A JDBC driver class. The default is the class of the currently used database. Only if you want to change the database system, you have to enter here the driver class for your new target database system.

  • A JDBC URL. Here the JDBC URL of your current Allegra database instance is already entered, but with a changed database name.


    You must create a new empty database and enter its name here before you can proceed with the restore. It is not possible to use the current active database because the Allegra instance is still running.

  • A JDBC user name and password, as configured when you created the new database configured.

  • Verify if there are any included in the backup file, if you also want to restore attachments.

  • The directory where you want to restore the attachments. It is not possible to restore attachments to the same directory where your current attachments are located.

3. After that, you can start the restore process. Once the operation is complete, you need to switch to the restored database and configure the path to the new attachment directory. You make the switch to the new database in the TRACKPLUS_HOME/ file. To activate, you must stop and restart the application server (Tomcat).

4. Now you have to change the new server to your new attachment directory. Switch to the Administration perspective. In the main menu, select Server Administration > Server Configuration > “Miscellaneous” tab and change the directory.