Manage Releases

In Allegra, the term “release” is used more broadly than usual. Releases allow a temporal structuring of projects and are themselves subdivisible.

Releases denote the following in Allegra:

  • Real releases, e.g., versions of a product

  • Sprints, which divide a project or release into several iterations

  • Backlogs, which serve as containers for items that have not yet been scheduled

Real releases are optional in the Scrum workflow. In Allegra, you can define releases, which in turn contain sprints and a release backlog.

Add releases

To add releases, backlogs or sprints to a Scrum project, first select the desired project in the Scrum app. Then go to the main menu item “Releases”. Now add a real release, a backlog or sprints as needed. You can also use sprints and backlogs as sub-releases of real releases, e.g., for a release backlog.

Sprint autogenerator

Sprints in Scrum are planned as iterations with a fixed duration. The duration of a sprint is typically one to two weeks. To simplify the creation of sprints, you can use the sprint autogenerator for each project and each release.

If the project has no active releases, the sprints are generated directly in the project. Otherwise, the sprint autogenerator will create the sprints within the active releases.


The creation of sprints with the autogenerator can take a few minutes as it happens in the background.

Scrum settings

For each project, you can set the following elements:

  • The attribute used for “Story Points”

  • The attribute used for “Business Value”

  • The attribute used for “Backlog Priority”

  • The sprint capacity in “Story Points”

Typically, you define these settings once per project. If necessary, the sprint capacity can be overridden for each sprint individually.